Problems in the Eye Area
and Solutions
and Solutions
If skin folding occurs on the eyelids when eyes are closed, this indicates excess skin. The appropriate age for a procedure in this case is averagely 55 years old given having the procedure once in the patient’s life time is ideal. At this age the skin is drier and fat tissue has lost volume.
Procedures carried in earlier ages may result in a recurrent operation in the patient’s 60’s. For younger patients and those with surgery phobia Plasma Technology is a good option to increase the elasticity of the skin and smoothening out irregularities.
Other options to increase elasticity and moisturise eyelids are Mesotherapy, Prp and Meso-Filling.
Considering the current situation and evaluation, limiting the facial expression with Botox could solve the problem. Sometimes Mesotherapy, Prp and sometimes Filling or Plasma Technology and at times combined treatments could be used.
Radio Frequency Treatment and Laser are supplementary to solving the problem.
It is anatomical and genetic. It can increase due to excess use of salt, alcohol or allergic reactions.
Depending on the case Mesotherapy and sometimes Radio Frequency Therapy could be temporary solutions. If the patient is very unhappy with the look, surgical treatment is another option.
In tandem with weight fat tissue under the eyes is lost and it is not restored easily. Furthermore the hollowness may increase due to aging, tiredness or genetic factors.
In this case the first option is Lower Eyelid Filling. Crosslinked alkyl acrylates or hyaluronic acid could be used taking into consideration not to effect the smile.
Under Eye Fill
Dark circles under eyes occur due to capillary veins being close to the skin.
In some cases the transparent gel Filling used as an under eye filling lightens the color.
In other cases a special type of Mesotherapy and Meso-Filling can be used that lighten colors of dark circles and smoothen minor wrinkles.
Surface Peelings, Rollers or Derma Stamp procedures around the eyes, Laser procedures, Prp, Mesotherapy or Meso-Filling procedures can be used respectively or simultaneously.
While the most prevalent procedure is Botox, Prp, Mesotherapy, Meso-Filling or Filling procedures are among options.
In advanced stages Radio Frequency Treatment, Laser or the use of Plasma Technology.
While these occurrences for the most part take place without any outside effect, application of cosmetic products that do not match your skin type may cause them. Some, may occur due to an illness. The most widely used methods in treatment are Plasma Technology, Cautery and Laser Treatment.
Since Plasma Technology does not leave marks, it is widely preferred.
Plasma Energy
Lifting eyebrows is widely practiced with Botox, Filling and in some cases Thread Lift when eyebrows sag.
Address: Teşvikiye, Vali Konağı Cd. Fıtri Bey Apartmanı 62/2, 34365 Şişli/İstanbul
Phone: 0212 231 40 80
Mobile: 0505 474 66 04